Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tattoo Convention At The Mandalay

Why would people wish to permanently disfigure themselves? What I thought was cool at age 20, might no longer apply. Bell bottoms and nose rings you can discard, but this stays forever. In the bottom photo, the lady is very impressed. I photographed the back of the tattooed lady, because I found her face too frightening.


  1. Scary! My husband has a tattoo and I like discreet ones - but not ones that cover an entire body or face or scalp...

  2. It hasn´t really dawned on me either. On me tattoos would be just a waste. Why make ugly uglier? Hah hah.

  3. Incredible how many tatoos they have. I'd never want to do it but it is definitely eye catching.

  4. Why go if you hate them? (I hope that doesn't sound rude, I'm just puzzled). I'm guessing that the people with the tattoos don't see it as a 'disfigurement' - I know that's not how I think about mine. Each to their own I guess...

  5. There are many things that I don't really understand, this is one of them. Obviously they can do as they please, tattooing themselves even in the armpits. Still, I can't see any beauty in this, again my fault...

  6. Amazing tattoos. Great shot. I am wondering what her face looked like now!

  7. Let's hope they choose their designs wisely because tattoos are a fairly permanent thing.

  8. There are so many things going on in Vegas. Nice shots.

  9. I can't agree more. I have seen some awesome artwork on many young people, however give it 20 years not so awesome.Just think about the old men in the Navy who tattooed Hula Girls on their arms with their now saggy flesh and man boobs. Not a pretty sight. No matter how hard these people fight it, they're still going to go through the aging process.

  10. The Around the World thing sounds like a nice honor - congrats.

  11. i am so not a tatoo kind of person...dislike, dislike.
